Blog - WA Health Group

Neck Pain? Try Remedial Massage

Written by WA Health Group | 12 February 2024

Remedial massage therapy is commonly seek out by patients suffering from pain in their neck and upper back. With more people spending time completing repetitive tasks and postures tension in the upper back and neck can occur. 

Did you know that the average human head weighs about five kilograms? Neck muscles are continuously working in the background as we go about our day. Repetitive tasks and postures can be associated with the development of neck pain. Other complaints we hear are headaches and pain between their shoulder blades. Medications such can help with coping and a lifestyle approach to managing neck pain, with massage can help! 

What can I expect from a massage appointment for my neck pain? Your appointment will begin with a thorough assessment of your symptoms as well as the range and quality of your movement to determine which muscles are involved in your pain.

Your treatment will involve massage of your back, and then deeper, more focused pressure in your areas of pain. Our team of Remedial Massage Therapists may employ techniques such as trigger pointing or use tools such as cups or dry needles to assist in relieving muscular tension. Your therapist may recommend that you complete stretches and exercise at home to help prevent your pain recurring and improve your overall well being. 

When treating neck and upper back pain, your Remedial Massage Therapist will often also treat the muscles at the front of your neck that are working hard to keep your head upright. Holistic treatment of both the front and back of your neck can help to reduce muscular tension, allowing for the reduction of pain as well as an increased ability to move your neck the way you want to!

If you have been struggling with persistent upper back and neck pain, book an appointment with a member of our Remedial Massage team at WA Health Group today!